OH Water - Harmonic Hydration for mind, body, and soul.

About Our Water

We use naturally filtered spring water from a freshwater aquifer, deep beneath Magheramorne on the coast of Northern Ireland. It is bottled in glass in the UK and has a refreshing clean, delicate, Alkaline taste.

Water Has a Memory

Water is able to retain a memory of shapes, sounds and emotions. There have been various experiments to demonstrate this, including freezing water after exposing it to different frequencies or words; and producing predictable crystal structures, proving the effects on the structure of water.

EVERYTHING is Vibration

Energy, matter, sound- everything at its fundamental core is vibration. Even the particles and molecules that make up you and I. We are made from the same elements that make up the stars, but what makes up those elements is simply FREQUENCY.

Ancient Wisdom

If our bodies are made of up to 70% water, and our bodies respond to sounds and frequencies on a molecular level, it stands to reason that the frequency of the water we put into our bodies has a direct impact on our physical being. Some even believe that frequencies help to unlock the spiritual and connect with the universe itself.

The physical proof that sounds, frequency, and vibrations affect water is clear. The water's memory of these frequencies is a simple, but effective way to get them into our bodies, much in the same way a sound bath works, only this way, you are drinking in frequency rather than bathing in it.

Try OH Water Today, subscribe in the link below and enjoy our harmonically treated natural spring water.

*Best served ice cold

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